We’re Back! What can you expect from Coworking in KL

While the pandemic has hit Coworking Spaces hard this year, it does not necessarily mean that this down trend will continue. As Kuala Lumpur and surrounding areas enter Recovery Phase 3, coworking spaces have seen an increase interest in demand and Sandbox Space itself has seen this resurgence in visitors and new resident applications. Why is that?

Today we will be looking at the working space trend going forward and what we should expect from coworking spaces for those who are currently working from home or looking to rent an office space in KL.

Coworking Space Chill Area

During the pandemic, many small businesses tried to reduce operation costs by stopping rent and shifting their employees to work from home. Now however they are faced with the dilemma of whether to decide to continue this trend or to ask them to work in the office once again. Each option has their benefits and disadvantages and it will be up to the employers to make the right choice. In the case of coworking spaces, we can expect renewed interest from companies that require flexibility and safer environment to ensure their growth.

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For those still wondering about which office option is the best for your company, we previously wrote a blog to compare the Cost (most important and deciding factor during this period) of renting an office vs coworking space. Do check out this link in case you missed it: https://www.sandboxco.space/coworking-blogs-info/coworking-space-vs-traditional-office-space-rental

Working From Home with Noise Distractions

For working from home, there are the advantages of flexible hours and saving costs, however for some there are constant distractions and a lack of human interaction that can’t fully be replaced. The continuous adverse effect might affect productivity and eventually hinder business growth.

Companies that are looking to rent offices again may now look into coworking spaces as they provide the best of both worlds. To accommodate a more comfortable and safer setting for making connections, most coworking spaces have improved their layouts and amenities post pandemic.

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Coworking Spaces also provide the best value in terms of convenience. For those who require office level amenities such as high-speed WiFi, mail handlings and printing services while also being in a great location for business, the growing number of coworking spaces usually leads to more available choices. As a result of this, most coworking spaces are usually equipped with higher end office amenities and other resources such as rentable meeting rooms and event spaces making them a more suitable working environment for busineses.


Phase 3 of the Recovery Period hints at the reopening of events. Prior to the pandemic, hosting business events was a big part of coworking spaces. Event venues were closed down however due to increased vaccination of the population, people will be more open to the idea of resuming event activities. Coworking spaces in Kuala Lumpur also got creative about the usage of their own event spaces. Virtual events have also become the trend recently with coworking spaces setting up their own studios to assist. Expect coworking spaces to promote this adaptability of their venues to physical events coming soon too. 

Members Gathering Event at Sandbox Coworking Space

Ultimately, time will tell what happens to those who have been away from working spaces for months during MCO. However if we are to base on factors from history, it won’t be a matter of when people come back but when will coworking spaces prove their value is worth the cost. While they have been down, they are not out so expect more from all workspaces and get ready again to experience the future of work.

Check out our current Free Trial offer while it is still happening!!


A Simple Guide to Rent your Office Space in Kuala Lumpur


Coworking Space VS Traditional Office Space Rental: Cost Edition