Starting your own business? Here are 5 Tips For Creating A Brand Name

During a casual sharing session with the founders of Sandbox Coworking Space, Casper and Umin shared how they came out with the "Sandbox " brand name. They also shared five (5) tips on how to create a suitable brand name.

Many people feel like it's a daunting task when it comes to branding. 

You have to make sure another company has not taken it and at the same time resonates with your target audiences and stands out from the competition.

Sandbox Coworking Space Founders discussing Brand Names

"We thought of many different brand names, but none of it fits the business values," says Umin.

There are several factors to consider when choosing a brand name. It should be simple, memorable, and easy to pronounce.

Here are a few tips from Sandbox to help you get started:

1. Do your brand research

Competitor research will ensure the name you chose isn't already taken by another company, as you don't want to get sued for trademark infringement. It is also good to know how and what's your competitor doing. 

2. Keep it simple and relevant

Don't make your name too complicated or hard to pronounce. You want people to be able to remember it and easily tell others about it. 

Also, having a relevant brand name is important too. It's one of the first things people will notice about your company. Make sure it's something that reflects your values and what you do.

Sandox Coworking Space KL Wallpaper that Showcase Logo and KL Popular Places

3. Brainstorming 

Come up with a list of potential names that represent your company or product. Be creative and think outside the box. 

"We were at a dinner talking about business ideas, and Casper mentioned beginner entrepreneurs are like working in a sandbox stage, which means they are still at a testing/experimenting phase."

**Sandbox in IT term means software at a testing environment and is preparing to go live. 

Umin then says, "That's It! Just use Sandbox!"

4. Get feedback

Everyone agreed that "Sandbox" was a good and stylish name. It brings out the value of the business objective, which was to provide a space and environment to support start-ups on their beginning testing entrepreneur journey. 

Once you've narrowed down your lists, ask others for their opinion. See which names resonate the most with your target audience.

Use of Sandbox Coworking Logo as Wallpaper Decoration

5. Make your brand unique

Your brand name should be distinctive and stand out from the crowd. Avoid using common words or phrases that can be easily confused with other brands.

"There were people who thought that Sandbox was a cafe or a place that sells sand." 

"This is also due to the little playground with swing near the window, where everyone thought this must be some relaxing cafe," says Casper

But then, it also makes Sandbox a unique and unforgettable brand name among the target audiences. 

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to coming out with the perfect brand name for your business.

So don't hesitate any longer; get creative on your branding today!

QR Code Banting with Sandbox Coworking Logo

To find out more about how Sandbox Space can support your business, you may reach out to us here: 




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